KMI International is structured to save you time and money by connecting you
with only screened and qualified candidates for overseas positions no matter
where in the world they currently might be located.
KMI International is the only international recruiting firm to use a combination
of traditional search, proprietary databases, Internet recruiting sites, our
own website, online assessment, and the use of advanced techniques such as
Internet robots to identify hidden and passive candidates with specific skill
KMI International has a successful track record in searching for one position or
a professional team or an entire professional workforce for start-up projects.
We have recruited and mobilized hundreds of highly skilled candidates in all
disciplines at all levels for locations throughout the world to include
locations in: North America, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, and Southeast
KMI International is a retained recruiting firm which specializes in the international
oil and gas, petrochemical, mining, and industrial business sectors.